Real Listing Book Presentation

Hardcover Book Scripting Flow

Page 1:  The Real Advantage


Our goal is to bring you an unfair advantage by listing with us. We do that by plugging you into our track record of success.

Organized Talking Points

We sell a home every 9 minutes

But first… let’s tackle the most important part of the transaction that most average agents won’t even discuss with you.


Real estate is a game of contracts and power players, let me show you how we navigate them.

Page 2:  Contracts and Power Players


There are 3 major agreements that govern a real estate transaction.

Organized Talking Points

  1. Seller hires Listing Agent for representation
  2. Buyer hires Buyer Agent for representation
  3. When a contract is accepted, the “contract” is represented by a neutral third party (escrow, title, attorney or fiduciary)
This is where you show them each of the agreements:
  1. Here is a copy of the listing agreement, this is how you put me to work for you
  2. Here is a copy of the buyer agency agreement, we are looking for this to make sure buyers are serious and represented so we can have a smooth transaction
  3. Here is a copy of the purchase agreement – in essence, think of this as the offer.

It is our job to bring you an offer that you want, and the price that you want, at the terms that you want.

Show them a sample filled out purchase contract that they would receive.
  • This allows you to figure out the right entities of ownership
  • Where the purchase price goes
  • Contingency terms
  • Timelines
When the clients can see you bring an “offer” to life for them, it increases their certainty of working with you and creates a feeling of safety.


Often one of the first questions we are asked is: “What is your plan for marketing our home?”

That’s a good question to ask and I am going to show you our plan… after we have solved a bigger question first. It’s about whom are we going to market to?

Page 3:  Buyer Universe


We break down the entire universe of buyers into 4 categories. Let me show you.

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Let me show you our listing launch process which is the cornerstone of our buyer attraction formula.

Page 4:  Proprietary Listing Launch


Our proven listing launch process has 4 key phases… because we know that a good process alone drives good results.

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  1. In every marketplace, there are various market dynamics present that affect how a home is perceived when it comes to market… now let me tell you about how we have an opportunity to “cheat” the market with our pre-launch strategy (discuss coming soon).
  2. Phased Approach – Explain that you are going to have a plan and execute the plan in phases.
  3. Explain to the seller about pre-launch marketing strategies and how listing launch works and why a choreographed launch, rather than a piecemeal approach, garners the best results.
  4. It is very much like launching a new product—prime the market with pre-launch teasers and then hit the market with all of the information in a thoughtful, phased approach over digital and social platforms.
  5. If it works for your market – It would be powerful to have a pre-built Pre Launch website with a countdown timer or something that you used for another property to showcase how you did it. Test it and market the URL Link before you go to the appointment. Worst case scenario show a picture, but that’s weird.
  6. Because most agents will spend their entire presentation talking about this point and never get to the real meat of what makes us valuable as agents, we suggest incorporating a marketing plan or marketing calendar that quickly gives a visual of everything you propose to do as a draft. It offers an opportunity to highlight certain aspects of the marketing and get past the WHAT and move into the more important WHY. (You can mention the plan then save to discuss further during Integrated Marketing phase)
  7. This WHY is your intention for every marketing action you take. Everything is thought out at Rael because, if it weren’t, our message and your property would get lost in the fray. Consumers are bombarded with over 14,000 media messages a day. It would be irresponsible for an agent to assume the correct consumer/buyer will find, notice, and digest the information we are putting out there simply because it is “available.” We have tested and re-tested our branding, color schemes, design and placement in the marketing mediums to create the most engaging, memorable and interactive marketing pieces and themes.
  8. “It’s not enough to only get consumers to view your marketing, it’s vital to ensure that there are ways for them to interact with the property, and for us to harvest buyer information.” – When we drive potential buyers to our websites via email marketing or social media, there are numerous opportunities for lead capture – otherwise, we have no idea who the buyer is!
  9. This is when you can explain your MLS and Network Syndication strategy to Zillow etc. and how you bring properties to market. Explain how the MLS is 1 of a multi-part approach, whereas it’s the only approach for the average agent. This will make you stand out.


We systematically prepare the home for sale with careful attention to professional photography, property descriptions, neighborhood amenities, and community benefits all while building out a phased launch schedule

Show Proof:

  • Sample Photos
  • Sample Flyers
  • Sample Videos

Targeted Outreach

We utilize “reverse prospecting” methodology and determine who the ideal buyers would be and then execute a targeted campaign warming them up for the launch


  • If your MLS has reverse prospecting, show it to them
  • If you have old open house registries for a similar home, pull it out
  • If you have IDX where people have searched for a similar home and you know who they are, show it to them.

Buzz Creation

We create buzz for the upcoming launch of the home with our curated buyer database, neighborhood awareness campaigns, and broker network outreach


  • Show what you would do for a broker preview – flyer, sample communication
  • Show you can send a sample email to your database like a deal of the week
  • Show a sample door knocking flyer, or script on how you would DK the neighbors

Full-Court Press

We “turn on” a fully integrated marketing campaign on our “go live” period directing massive awareness towards the home, both online and off-line, to reach targeted buyers


  • Explain exactly what happens when the property goes live
  • Explain how it may not sync with all the sites right away and it will need a little time
  • Show them one home and how it shows up on different websites, so they can see it and feel it
  • Explain what you are going to do the first week of it going live… if you have a punch list or a promotional plan may it be email, direct mail, door knock social media posts. Show all of it.

They should feel comfortable about a PHASED approach right now because they don’t understand that things take time. You have to explain what happens in each phase otherwise they will hold you accountable for what you don’t even know they are holding you accountable for!


Now that we are aligned with the process, let me break down each marketing channel.


Page 5:  Integrated Marketing


Buyers come from everywhere… so it’s our job to leave no stone unturned. That’s why we utilize an integrated marketing approach.

Organized Talking Points

  1. Lots of agents think the volume of marketing is more important than anything else, and as they start marketing without a plan, the lack of results makes them back off on their original commitments.
  2. There are three core vehicles to market a property: Traditional, Digital, and Social (explain each).
  3. But combining the three vehicles supercharges the entire process
  4. This is a good time to show the pie chart of where buyers come from – the NAR study and how each approach maps to the buyer.
    a. Where buyers found the home they purchased: NAR
    i.    Internet: 51%
    ii.   Real estate agent: 29
    iii.  Yard sign/open house sign: 4%
    iv.  Friend, relative, or neighbor: 10%
    v.   Home builder or their agent: 1%
    vi.  Directly from sellers/Knew the sellers: 5%
    vii. Print newspaper advertisement: less than 1%
  5. Pattern Interrupt >> break up flow and show sample live marketing pieces that you have brought with you, compared to competitors.
    a. The most powerful thing is to have 1 case study pre-setup and collect all your marketing for one past listing that you have had and showcase EVERYTHING that you did for that listing… and remind them that particular listing needed that and their home needs something different, but that’s an example of how you work. Have to bring marketing to life; if not it becomes about volume and budget which we all know is not a productive conversation.
  6. As mentioned in the Listing Launch section, the best thing you can do in this phase is to have a written out 1-page marketing plan DRAFT – say this is a draft and we wanted to share it with you first and then revise it based on our meeting. This can be in a timeline or calendar format. This makes it come to life.


Marketing is not a 32-point checklist. Cookie-cutter marketing will give us cookie cutter results. That’s why we prefer a systems-based approach and not a checklist based approach.

Page 6:  Systematic Implementation


You are not just hiring us… you are hiring all the systems that we have built over the years. Let me show you.
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  1. “If it’s worth doing more than once, leave a system behind”
  2. We have a pre-defined system to ensure that all operations run smoothly
  3. We have to show them proof of at least 1 system
    a. Either Show, Flow or Demo
    b. Show – Show them a breakdown of their system
    c. Flow – show them a flowchart of how the system works
    d. Demo – do a live demo if that is feasible
  4. Let me show you an example of our 4-1-2 Open House Formula


This approach is what sets us apart from the “average” agents and the “old school brokers”.

Page 7:  The New Frontier


We take the best of the “tried and true” and combine it with what is working right now in a stacked approach.

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Single Channel Approach
  • Local MLS
Agent-Focused Approach
  • Agent-Branded Marketing
  • Agent-Driven Relationships
Proven Systems Approach
  • Listing Launch System
  • Buyer Inquiry System
  • Broker Exposure System
  • Open House System
We see 3 approaches in the marketplace.
  1. The Single Channel approach: This is where the average agent does whatever it takes to get the property on the MLS as soon as possible without a strategy, and prays that the basic exposure will find a buyer
  2. The Agent-Focused Approach: is the next best option where all the marketing is done with agent promotion in mind v. promotion of the property in mind. The agent is the front and center of all of it. Frankly, this is very helpful to me as the agent, because it showcases me and I get to promote myself while using your home as an excuse.
  3. We call each of these vehicles OF COURSE marketing.
    a. Of course we are going to put the home in the MLS – but we have to do it with a strategy in mind
    b. Of course we are going to use Agent Focused Approach – not to promote ourselves but to use our agent network reputation in the marketplace to generate more eyeballs
    c. Of course we are going to flyers, brochures, social media, and email marketing.
    d. We call that of course marketing – because we don’t really think we have to talk about it, it is understood that it’s the absolute baseline of our offering, not the core value proposition like most agents in our marketplace.
  4. We believe that we need a 3 stack approach to actually make this work:
    a. We need exposure from the MLS
    b. We need agent-relationships in the community
    c. And we need systems to drive buyer inquiries
The new frontier is combining and stacking all three of them.


If everything we discussed was setting up the PARTY, then the LIST PRICE is the invitation.

Page 8:  Pricing Strategy


It is my job to protect your equity and maximize your net proceeds… and that is why pricing is about positioning and the list price is just an invitation.

Organized Talking Points

  1. Now let’s say everything goes as planned, what does the final sales price look like for you?
  2. The first thing you have to break psychologically is the fact that sellers think List Price = Sales Price. Or they secretly wish that.
  3. We know that is not the case, so we have to disassociate the two and explain to them that List Price is all based on strategy and that it’s a leading indicator – it is the ONLY thing we can control and influence and it’s not something that you just put out there.
  4. We assign a List Price for a plethora of reasons – many of which are based on the goals of the client and market dynamics and overall timeline.
  5. Broadly speaking, there are 3 List Price strategies – and each of them drive different buyer psychologies – explain them.
  6. Pricing Strategies
    a.  (1) Aspirational Pricing: A traditional strategy when you list higher than the relevant properties, leaving room for negotiation
    b.  (2) Perceived Market Value Pricing: When you price in line with the relevant comparables especially in line with those that are currently under contract if any and
    c.  (3) Event Pricing: When you price a little below relevant properties to stand out, and to create an auction-like environment to create offers and momentum where we can then win with a negotiation advantage as opposed to a pricing disadvantage.
  7. There is no such thing as fair market value in this scenario – because fair market value is only established when a buyer and seller come together. Our opinion of a price is at best an estimate or a “broker price opinion” but fair market value is only achieved when a transaction occurs. So please be cautious when describing fair market value.
  8. You have WON when they start talking in terms of List Price strategy – it is NOT pricing strategy it is LIST PRICE strategy – they are very different! In any market, the pricing strategy should create tension for the buyers to act. The list price is the opening move.
  9. The goal here is NOT to pick a price but to pick a strategy… you pick a price on the next slide/while discussing market dynamics.


That was the art of pricing… now let’s combine it with the science by looking at the market dynamics.

Page 9:  Market Dynamics


Would you like me to break down how to interpret the market data?

Organized Talking Points

  1. The market is the inherent relationship between actives, pendings and solds.
    a.  If you have a lot of active homes but low pendings – it means its a buyers market
    b.  If you have a lot of pendings compared to actives – it means the neighborhood is in demand
    c.  If you are seeing high actives, low pendings, and high solds… means that we missed the momentum and we probably need to adjust pricing to drive demand.
  2. Pricing is directly related to what is happening globally and most importantly, locally. Local market dynamics dramatically influence the price of a property because real estate works in micro markets…(a one page of the correct Local Market Report here is a good pattern interrupt).
  3. We start with macro market considerations such as Median Price, Velocity, and listing supply to demand.
  4. Drilling down, market dynamics are constantly changing and when evaluating pricing we need to review Actives, Under Contract, and Sold comparables uniquely.
  5. We choose the most relevant comps for each property. As experts in the area, we have seen and follow the sales activity, carefully applying the nuances to our comparable market analysis.
  6. An Important note in comp gathering and discussion of the subject property’s market: ensure you know all of the sales and the full spectrum of the market in and around the subject property. The parameters of your comp search may produce one or two “great comps,” but they may be too narrow for you to see the full picture—there may be market dynamics or circumstances that cause the subject property to be worth more or less than those “perfect comps.”
  7. This is where you stop and bring out the CMA and comps— Take the right mindset here. You are educating, not defending. The data is what it is, but you have to show that the reason they are hiring you and not a robot with access to the data is the human element of market dynamics, and if you think the market is soft, or the number of active buyers is up, or the calls you are getting are higher… then you have to say that and back it up with a story around what you are seeing and how it’s working. The end result here should lead to a discussion about how the current market dynamics and condition and features of the property favor which pricing strategy.
  8. Pro Tip – if you memorize the key market stats it will show great market knowledge and engender confidence.


The invisible power of what we do in representing you happens from “contract to close”.

Under Contract – is when we accept an offer
To Close – is when you get a wire with all the proceeds and a smile on your face.

Page 10:  Negotiation & Execution


Let me walk you through EXACTLY what happens when WE accept an offer

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  1. You will have many options when responding to offers and counter offers and we will guide our clients through those options.
  2. Walk them through a purchase agreement for accepting an offer and what it means.
  3. Walk them through contingency periods and responsibilities.
  4. Talk about the “3 Outs” – A buyer generally has 3 ways to get out of the contract
    a.  Physical Inspection Contingency
    b.  Loan Contingency
    c.  Appraisal Contingency
  5. If appropriate, explain the process for how you handle multiple offers. This is when you can showcase what you did on a sample property. Mr/Mrs client, we listed this home on Feb 1, we got 8 offers Feb 8 after our 6 pronged listing launch, the list price was $3.4M and after all negotiations, we ended at a final sale price of $3.8M. If you don’t have an example, they can’t visualize it. Use a case study.
  6. Talk through if this then that option. That’s why 2-3 different case studies shows that you know what you are talking about.
  7. If you know the fall out rate in your market you can say:
    a.  The fall out rate in the industry is around 30%
    b.  Over the last 100 transactions we have had less than 3 fall out
    c.  We do 10x better than the average agent keeping deals together
  8. The biggest issue here is that the contract period is a black box… they have no idea what happens as they are not privy to anything but are still on the hook for everything.
  9. What you want to explain is that the contract period is all about negotiation of contract and timelines. And that you will keep them apprised of the next upcoming timeline and work together. They don’t have to do anything except follow your lead.


Are you okay if we sketch out a draft timeline to see if it suits you?